
Here is a list of typical questions that most people asked
during the first contact with us. Should your questions not be
all covered below, call us and it will
be our pleasure to answer them separately. Please allow a few
days for a response.
- What is a shell package or kit?
The shell
package begins with engineering, full drawings with ease of
construction in mind. The best the industry has to offer is
utilized to put together kits that include detailed
instructions and complete materials required in order to
build a cabin shell from exterior and interior walls, floor
and roof systems, windows and doors, and complete exterior
finishing. The material list that comes with the packages is
comprehensive to help self-builders, but full structure
erection service is available within the general area of the
Ottawa Capital region (see
Option C). Exterior finishing can also be quoted
separately upon request.
- What are the options for exterior finishing?
options are available for rustic exterior finishes or low
maintenance products. Our standard kits come with pre-finished
wood siding (Canexel). Upgrades (Hardi-planking, pre-finished
pine, natural pine, log…) are also available and can be
quoted separately.
- Can I build this myself?
Yes, that
is the most economical choice for people who enjoy hands on
projects. Our system is very simple to build and our designs
have been created with that idea in mind. Our
B package (Panelized),
is even easier to erect. The panels are quick & easy to
Our professional support staff is available to assist you
with the project. Also, our support documentation is
designed with self-builders in mind. Should extra on site
consultation be required, one of our associate experienced
project managers can be called upon at a reasonable rate in
order to assist in whatever way deemed necessary by the
- What if we are out of your area?
Framing crews (Option C) will most likely not be able to
erect your shell if your project is outside of our area. Our
managers could be available, however, all depending on
distance and timing. We can help you find local trades or
contractors as over the years, we have established
relationships with contractors in most key regions of Ontario
& Quebec. Let us help you find the RIGHT contractor at the
RIGHT price within your area.
- Can we choose our own design or can we change yours?
Yes to both.
For a nominal fee, designs can be modified, enlarged or
created to suit your particular needs. The prices are always
efficient due to our purchase power and construction methods.
And remember that all design fees are always applied to your
package price.
- Can we buy construction plans only?
occasion, we may be willing to sell particular plans. Please
send us E-mail or call us should you require further
information on that subject. By the way, you would receive
full credit for the cost of the plans should you decide
later to purchase a shell package from our company.
- What about decks and porches, are they included?
structure & support are always included in standard pressure
treated lumber. Decking surfaces and railings options are
pressure treated material and cedar. Screen porches are
included but the screens and screen doors are excluded.
These items are better purchased locally at most hardware
- Why do you show pier foundations on your designs? Can we have a
basement instead?
The piers
we encourage people to use are engineered steel systems that
are economical to use and most importantly for many, create
very little disturbance to your soil and natural
surroundings. The equipment used can travel almost anywhere
and be utilized on some of the most difficult sites around
making it cost effective, fast and simple. However, should
your budget and site allow for excavation, backfill and a
full foundation or crawlspace, your drawings can be modified.
Please contact us for further details.
- What about shipping costs?
costs are included within 2 hours of Ottawa, Ontario. Quotes
can be provided on demand for other areas .
- What are your payment methods?
Usually, 15% is required on contract
signature (exceptions may apply), an additional 35% at 60 days
before delivery and the balance by certified cheque or bank
draft (50%) before delivery. Should we be able
to accommodate our of area clients, final payment (by
certified cheque, bank draft or bank transfer) will be
expected 2 days before delivery.
- Do you do additions or renovations?
have, in the past, and continue to work on large additions /
renovations. It all depends on distance, timing and
availability of our managers and the crews we work with.
- I'm still confused... you say your homes are "pre-engineered" or "panelized". Are they not modular?
We do NOT do modular homes. Modular homes are like trailer homes, different (lesser) quality and often times either COMPLETELY assembled outside of Canada or supplied by "Canadian" companies who are owned by non Canadian groups. They have to be built very differently due to transportation restrictions and very good access on roads and building lots is critical. With the new Ontario Building Code in full force, some of local municipalities are even frowning (no permits) on these lately. Lenders will sometimes refuse to issue mortgages and land developers often refuse modular homes in their development. Of even greater importance, there can be a serious resale issue with Modular Type homes since they can affect resale values to the negative in developments and communities.
All our homes, cottages and cabins are CUSTOM designed (at no extra charge) according to YOUR site, YOUR budget and YOUR lifestyle. All our materials are purchased locally and we use local trades... definitely greener, since we're not transporting our shell packages across very long distances and much better for our local economy.

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